install a parcel in Squeak?

Marcus Denker denker at
Fri Apr 9 10:12:43 UTC 2004

Am 09.04.2004 um 11:42 schrieb Lulu:

> Hi,
>    How could I install a parcel (".pst". "pcl","dat" file) in Squeak?

There's no direct way. These kind of packages are for some other
Smalltalk (Visualworks, I'd guess).

So you could:
-> install them there
-> get Rosetta
-> write an Rosetta XML fileout
-> use the Rosetta XSLT transformer to convert to Squeak .cs

Now you have something that you maybe could load... but in most
cases it won't. (Classes sublassed that are non-existant in Squeak,
or use of some contruct that's not there (like namespaces). So
you will need to edit this by hand.

After that, it will load. But surely, it won't run, as the code was for
another Smalltalk. So now the *real* work of porting begins...


Marcus Denker denker at

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