[ENH] 2x faster SocketStream uploads

Michal miso.fastlist at auf.net
Mon Apr 12 02:09:17 UTC 2004

[with the changeset]

The attached changeset optimises SocketStream #upToAll: (i) use a
WriteStream for the searchBuffer rather than copying the incoming
portions over and over again, (ii) when searching the buffer for the
boundary, do not copy it, use its raw contents with #originalContents
(this entails that the blank space at the end of the buffer will also
be searched while searching for the boundary. This is semantically
harmless since spaces cannot be part of the boundary); (iii) also
search for the boundary delimiter only in the last two chunks rather
than searching in the whole file over and over again. 

Can make uploads of large files around 2x faster.


-------------- next part --------------
'From Squeak3.6 of ''6 October 2003'' [latest update: #5429] on 11 April 2004 at 9:20:55 pm'!

!SocketStream methodsFor: '*A-articleDB' stamp: 'miso 4/1/2004 15:12'!
upToAll: delims
"michal - optimised: (i) use a WriteStream for the searchBuffer rather than copying the incoming portions over and over again, (ii) when searching the buffer for the boundary, do not copy it, use its raw contents with #originalContents (note that this entails that the blank space at the end of the buffer will also be searched while searching for the boundary. This is semantically harmless since spaces cannot be part of the boundary); (iii) also search for the boundary delimiter only in the last two chunks rather than searching in the whole file over and over again"

	| searchBuffer index startOfSearch nextStartOfSearch |
	searchBuffer _ WriteStream on: (String new: 1000).
	startOfSearch _ 1.
	[nextStartOfSearch _ searchBuffer position.
	searchBuffer nextPutAll: self inStream upToEnd.
	self resetInStream.
	index _ searchBuffer originalContents indexOfSubCollection: delims startingAt: startOfSearch.
	startOfSearch _ nextStartOfSearch.
	index = 0 and: [self atEnd not]]
		whileTrue: [self receiveData].

	index = 0 
		ifTrue: [index := 0 max: searchBuffer size]
			[self pushBack: (searchBuffer contents copyFrom: index + delims size to: searchBuffer size)].
	^searchBuffer contents copyFrom: 1 to: (0 max: index-1)! !

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