[FIX][BUG] Hidden text cursor ( v4 - a more general solution? )

Andreas Raab andreas.raab at gmx.de
Mon Apr 12 20:39:36 UTC 2004

> You are right about what you said but we were doing something like this:
> 1. we remembered the current focus holder.
> 2. then we activated the MenuMorph, FIllInTheBlank and thus setting
> a new focus holder.
> 3. and finally we restored the focus to the morph on 1.
> But this wasn't right. I will give you this escenario as an example.

Actually, the above sequence is perfectly right. You just have to make sure
that the focus transitions happen at the "right point", e.g.,

> The focus is on a browser code pane and you right-click on a category list
> morph. The menu that popups obtain focus and you select 'add category'
> new. A FillInTheBlank popups and get focus. The previous MenuMorph is
> deleted. You enter the new category name and accept it. The FillInTheBlank
> ends and return the focus to the .... MenuMorph which is no more on the
> world.

This would be the wrong sequence. The right one goes like this:
* the focus is on a browser code pane and you right-click on a category list
* the menu pops up aquires focus and remembers the previous one
* you select "add category"
[--> here is the difference <--]
* the menu passes the focus back to list
* the menu *THEN* fires, closes and the FITBM opens
[--> end of difference <--]
* the FITBM aquires focus
* you enter the new name and accept
* the FITBM passes focus back to the category list
* the FITBM *THEN* closes and continues
* etc.

  - Andreas

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