
Brian Murphy-Dye brian.murphydye at mac.com
Tue Aug 3 02:57:48 UTC 2004

When executing the code below, I expected both values to be garbage 
collected, yet 's2' apparently isn't. Other attempts were using 
'Smalltalk garbageCollect' and adding 's2' from another method (to make 
sure the block context wasn't preventing garbage collection). Any 

| weakDict |
weakDict := WeakValueDictionary new.
weakDict at: 1 put: Object new.
weakDict at: 2 put: 's2'.
Smalltalk garbageCollectMost.
(weakDict at: 1) = nil ifFalse: ['at 1 not nil' inspect].
(weakDict at: 2) = nil ifFalse: ['at 2 not nil' inspect]. "=> shows an 

Thanks, Brian.

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