"Tests" categories

Marcus Denker denker at iam.unibe.ch
Mon Aug 9 09:41:24 UTC 2004

Am 09.08.2004 um 11:31 schrieb Kamil Kukura:

>> Yes, we decided this sometime while in 3.7a. The idea is that Tests 
>> are (or should be) a interesting form
>> of documentation: If you need an example, look at the test.
> Hmm, so in Package Browser (maybe better name would be Category 
> Browser) there are now items like "Text", "Exceptions" with just Tests 
> inside. To me this seems making image more messy.
The idea was that the tests are in *-Tests, not Tests-*. Most of the 
tests are already in such categories, making them nicely placed withing
the "package" (e.g. Kernel).

For the rest: There are just some more cleanups needed... as a first 
step I submitted a cs to sort the class-categories.

> I was once thinking about idea to provide some kind of voting system. 
> It could be a web application or it could be integrated into system 
> browser. The idea is to provide for given class, protocol or method a 
> voting results as what is others' opinion about destiny of specific 
> item. For example, for classes/methods I was thinking about 
> classification like: "basic stone of universe", "hard life without 
> it", "too cool to miss", "goodie thing (go packaged)", "useful only 
> sometimes (go packaged)" and so on to things being deprecated, 
> obsolete, forgotten, etc. Another aspect would bear placement - it is 
> "right in place", "doesn't fit well", "inappropriate position" and so 
> on.
> However, now I see that squeak tend towards "append-only" system, so 
> I'm silentely forgetting above. Maybe more anticipated thing would be 
> presence of special classes (now 'class' is rather legacy world) for 
> storing resources: rich texts, images, sounds, videos etc.
> I must admit that it takes time to convince myself just not to care 
> what's in the image. Taken that the best way to deliver a good thing 
> to final user is to only copy programmer's disk, makes world much 
> simplier..

Just look at todays computers: Gig of ram, hundrets of gigs of 
diskspace. I guess there is space for some 150K of tests? Or some Megs
of Devopment stuff?



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