Bug reporting was: Re: Update stream ideas for 3.8 (was Re: Squeak 3.8 status)

Karl Ramberg karl.ramberg at chello.se
Sat Aug 21 15:47:02 UTC 2004

Andreas Raab wrote:
> One of the things
> that I'd like to achieve with a "real bugtracker" is to distinguish a
> "random" bug report from an "orderly" one. Meaning that if people expect
> bugs to be fixed they do need to put in a little extra effort besides just
> pressing "mail out bugreport" in the debugger. Just a *little* help (say,
> doing an initial classification of the bug into a specific package) would go
> a long, long way here.

We should not be so far away from creating better bug reports.
We could put the DecentReviewNotePad into the base image and modify it
get all this info into a bug report. 
I looked at the Mantis bug report form 
and modifying DRNP to do that kind of thing should not be hard.
I'm not trying to reinvent the wheel here but it is very convenient to 
have all the tools in the image.

> Another reason for wanting to have "orderly bug reports" is that it actually
> gives us a target when we're out of beta - namely when no more bugs for that
> particular version of Squeak remain open. This doesn't mean they have to be
> fixed btw - it is perfectly reasonable to resolve some bug by saying we
> won't fix it in this version. But having that tracker (and using it for this
> purpose!) ensures that all of the problems are being looked at and resolved
> some way or another for a particular release.

I agree that better bug reports would be a great help.


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