Refactoring of Morphic (was RE: MVC vs. Morphic (was Re: Shrinking))

SmallSqueak smallsqueak at
Tue Aug 31 07:41:54 UTC 2004

Hi Ned,


> However, I'm not sure that a wholesale refactoring of Morphic 
> would be worth the time at this point, as there are a couple 
> of important new UI systems in the works (Tweak and Croquet), 

	IMHO, the factoring should have done before Croquet 
	and Tweak and Scratch were created. 

	It should have been done when there was talk about 
	folding Stable Squeak into main stream Squeak.
	(How much time and efforts wasted in Stable Squeak ?)

	It should have been done when Henrik module system
	was incorporated into main stream Squeak.
	(How much time and efforts was wasted)

"A More Inclusive Community-Based Model for Squeak Development"

"Please note that I have tried not to talk about technical 
solutions to problems. I don't think that the problems 
we're having are primarily because of a lack of appropriate 
tools or system design. 

Rather, I think that we have ignored a number of important 
social factors in the design of the community"

	IMHO, the problems are not only technical and social, 
	but also psychological and "political".

	It may be a bit late now but it is still better than

> and I also think that the desire for a cleaner, more 
> "standard" user interface that includes the elements that 
> people are used to is not necessarily best met by Morphic.
	You might want to review this opinion after Morphic
	is factored, if that ever happens.

> As you know, there's lots of stuff in Morphic (and Squeak in 
> general) that is a result of its focus on being the platform 
> for EToys. I think that much of the current complexity of 
> Morphic is due to design decisions (made under time pressure, 
> of course) from EToys (and Alan's various demos) creeping 
> into what started out as a much simpler system.
	How "eloquently" said !

	This is understandable. After all, Apple and Disney were
	incorporated for profit and Alan has his own agenda.

	After SqC let go of Disney, there was no more 
	time pressure and was the focus still on eToys ?

	Why Croquet while eToys/Morphic is still a mess ?

	Why Croquet while cheering the modularizing efforts ? 

	Why adding more storeys on top of a shaking foundation ?

	Why not factoring Morphic ?

	Why not removing the dead bodies rotten inside Squeak ?

	Was Squeak/Morphic a success ?

	Maybe yes, a catastrophic success !

	Why the heck I am sitting here and 
	typing these silly words !


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