Trait 1.1 and Basic 3.7 gamma2

SmallSqueak smallsqueak at
Tue Aug 31 09:29:28 UTC 2004


> As a simple start  you can find the example based on complex.

	Where can I find it ?

> I think that normally traits should work on shrunk images, 
> let us know what are the problems you get. But you need to 
> have the KCP fixes so it should be a 3.7 one.
	I am crossing my fingers for a 3.7 MVC image :-)

> For MVC I guess that the imageBrowser should work (you will 
> not get all the fancy trait browsing support of the 
> OminBrowser TraitBrowser but you can still program.

	This sounds like good news.

	It is even better news when Omni TraitBrowser works ;-)



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