ODBC connection

lex at cc.gatech.edu lex at cc.gatech.edu
Wed Dec 1 12:55:08 UTC 2004

Avi Bryant <avi.bryant at gmail.com> wrote:
> Yes, the VW port has Oracle support, which could be pulled over very
> easily.  The problem is finding a reasonable way to connect to an
> Oracle database from Squeak.  Because the ODBC lib uses FFI, it's
> synchronous - your whole VM will hang while you wait for the results
> of a query.  What I've done in the past is build a simple Java app
> that accepts queries on a socket, uses the JDBC driver to get results,
> and then sends them back, but this isn't terribly performant either. 
> A proper Oracle plugin would be great, if anyone has time or money for
> one...

Also, of course, one could fork() multiple Squeak's and have each of
them talk to the database server via ODBC.  Each individual Squeak is
still synchronous, but you can run a few of them in parallel to balance
things back out.

OSProcess has both fork() and system(), so you can use it to create the
extra Squeak processes however you like.


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