Smalltalk class heirachy

Aaron Gray angray at
Tue Dec 7 01:57:27 UTC 2004

>> Is there a poster or something in PDF format with the standard Smalltalk
>> class heirachy ?
>  In general, I'd recommend you to ask "why", "how", and other related
> information with a question.  That would make the question easier to
> answer and more interesting.


>  Here, what you can get in Squeak is:
>  * Open a browser.
>  * Select a class.  In this case, select "Object" in "Kernel-Objects"
>    category.
>  * Click on the "?" button of the browser in between "instance" and
>    "class" toggle buttons.
>  * Click on the same "?" button one more time.
> Then, you'll get the text-based "chart" of the class hierachy.  You
> can do the same thing to any class, so it would be better than printed
> version.  (Of course, if you want, you can print out this 16 hundred
> line chart.)

Thats horrible, I meant a nice preferably UML notation chart that I could 
print out and put on my wall.

>  Hope this helps,

Well, not much really. I may at some point use a UML modeller to do a chart, 
this would help me learn the main common Smalltalk heirachy.

Is the Squeak inheritance heirachy a proper superset of Smalltalk 80 ?


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