Squeakmap problems

C. David Shaffer cdshaffer at acm.org
Tue Dec 7 13:02:06 UTC 2004

I've tried several images (fresh 3.7, 3.7 full and my working image) and 
two Linux variants but I get the attached exception whenever I try to 
view the SqueakMap list.  Is anyone else getting this?


-------------- next part --------------
MessageNotUnderstood: UndefinedObject>>do:
7 December 2004 8:00:20 am

VM: unix - a SmalltalkImage
Image: Squeak3.7 [latest update: #5989]

SecurityManager state:
Restricted: false
FileAccess: true
SocketAccess: true
Working Dir /home/shaffer/Source/Squeak/Harvest
Trusted Dir /home/shaffer/Source/Squeak/Harvest/secure
Untrusted Dir /home/shaffer/Source/Squeak/Harvest/untrusted

UndefinedObject(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #do:
	Receiver: nil
	Arguments and temporary variables: 
		aMessage: 	do: [] in ImageSegment>>comeFullyUpOnReload: {[:importedObject | impo...etc...
	Receiver's instance variables: 
	Receiver: an ImageSegment
	Arguments and temporary variables: 
		smartRefStream: 	a SmartRefStream a ByteArray(39 70 114 111 109 32 83 113 117 10...etc...
		mapFakeClassesToReal: 	an IdentityDictionary(Fake37SMSqueakMap->SMSqueakMap )
		ccFixups: 	true
		receiverClasses: 	an IdentitySet()
		rootsToUnhiberhate: 	nil
		myProject: 	nil
		importedObject: 	nil
		aFake: 	nil
	Receiver's instance variables: 
		arrayOfRoots: 	nil
		segment: 	a WordArrayForSegment(1929386342 121909771 2201586372 2193766685 31614...etc...
		outPointers: 	#(Fake37SMSqueakMap nil 'sm' true Dictionary SMFileCache Array an ...etc...
		state: 	#imported
		segmentName: 	nil
		fileName: 	nil
		endMarker: 	SmartRefStream(ReferenceStream)>>next
		userRootCnt: 	1
		renamedClasses: 	nil

	Receiver: a SmartRefStream a ByteArray(39 70 114 111 109 32 83 113 117 101 97 107 51 46 54 32 111 10...etc...
	Arguments and temporary variables: 
		type: 	16
		selector: 	#readShortInst
		anObject: 	an ImageSegment
		isARefType: 	true
		pos: 	nil
		internalObject: 	nil
	Receiver's instance variables: 
		byteStream: 	a RWBinaryOrTextStream a ByteArray(39 70 114 111 109 32 83 113 117 ...etc...
		topCall: 	#marked
		basePos: 	152
		references: 	an IdentityDictionary()
		objects: 	an IdentityDictionary(5->#('class structure' a Dictionary(#Array->#(0)...etc...
		currentReference: 	2959
		fwdRefEnds: 	an IdentityDictionary()
		blockers: 	an IdentityDictionary()
		skipping: 	an IdentitySet()
		insideASegment: 	false
		structures: 	a Dictionary(#Array->#(0) #ArrayedCollection->#(0) #Association->#(...etc...
		steady: 	a Set(Integer UUID SMDocument Symbol SMCategorizableObject String Seque...etc...
		reshaped: 	nil
		renamed: 	a Dictionary(#FlasherMorph->#Flasher )
		renamedConv: 	a Dictionary(1->#SMSqueakMap 5->#Dictionary 6->#SMFileCache 7->#Ar...etc...
		superclasses: 	a Dictionary(#Array->#ArrayedCollection #ArrayedCollection->#Sequ...etc...
		progressBar: 	nil
		objCount: 	nil
		classInstVars: 	nil

	Receiver: a SmartRefStream a ByteArray(39 70 114 111 109 32 83 113 117 101 97 107 51 46 54 32 111 10...etc...
	Arguments and temporary variables: 
		curPosn: 	2959
		skipToPosn: 	nil
		haveIt: 	false
		theObject: 	false
		wasSkipping: 	nil
	Receiver's instance variables: 
		byteStream: 	a RWBinaryOrTextStream a ByteArray(39 70 114 111 109 32 83 113 117 ...etc...
		topCall: 	#marked
		basePos: 	152
		references: 	an IdentityDictionary()
		objects: 	an IdentityDictionary(5->#('class structure' a Dictionary(#Array->#(0)...etc...
		currentReference: 	2959
		fwdRefEnds: 	an IdentityDictionary()
		blockers: 	an IdentityDictionary()
		skipping: 	an IdentitySet()
		insideASegment: 	false
		structures: 	a Dictionary(#Array->#(0) #ArrayedCollection->#(0) #Association->#(...etc...
		steady: 	a Set(Integer UUID SMDocument Symbol SMCategorizableObject String Seque...etc...
		reshaped: 	nil
		renamed: 	a Dictionary(#FlasherMorph->#Flasher )
		renamedConv: 	a Dictionary(1->#SMSqueakMap 5->#Dictionary 6->#SMFileCache 7->#Ar...etc...
		superclasses: 	a Dictionary(#Array->#ArrayedCollection #ArrayedCollection->#Sequ...etc...
		progressBar: 	nil
		objCount: 	nil
		classInstVars: 	nil

--- The full stack ---
UndefinedObject(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #do:
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[] in RWBinaryOrTextStream(PositionableStream)>>fileInAnnouncing: {[val := (self peekFor: $!)     ifTrue: [(Compiler evaluate: self nextChunk l...]}
[] in RWBinaryOrTextStream(PositionableStream)>>fileInAnnouncing: {[:bar |  [self atEnd]   whileFalse: [bar value: self position.    self skipS...]}

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