About OmniBrowser code :)

Jon Hylands jon at huv.com
Wed Dec 8 15:23:09 UTC 2004

On Tue, 7 Dec 2004 20:27:06 -0500, Colin Putney <cputney at wiresong.ca>

> Ok, you caught me. This isn't implemented yet. I hardly ever use 
> hierarchy browsers, so this one fell through the cracks. I'll put one 
> in the next release.


One thing that I would really like to see, and it would make OmniBrowser
become my number one choice for a browser, would be if you could have an
option to list the classes in the class pane in hierarchical order.

Among classes, alphabetical order means nothing, except to make binary
search faster. Having the "structure" of the classes you are looking at
apparent in the browser is exceptionally nice.

Cincom finally did this in VisualWorks a few versions ago, and Anthony
Lander and I put it into the browser that we built at The Object People
back in the early nineties.

I did a quick paintbrush job on the System Browser in one of my images, and
you can see it in the following two pictures. The first is the standard
browser with an alpha class listing, the second is the same browser with a
hierarchical class listing.


Basically, you get more useful information in the browser when the classes
are listed this way.

Here's the code from that browser, modified to work in Squeak. It takes a
collection of classes that are visible in the class list, and indents them
and puts them in hierarchical order... Its a nice recursive method, and it
is fast as well. I'm not sure if it will fit into how you do things in OB,
but it works pretty well.



hierarchyOfClasses: classes

	| classSet hierarchy |
	classes isEmpty
		ifTrue: [^classes].
	classSet := classes asSet.

	Cursor execute showWhile: [
		hierarchy := OrderedCollection new: classes size.
			putHierarchyFrom: (Array with: ProtoObject)
			with: classSet
			into: hierarchy
			withIndent: ''].


putHierarchyFrom: rootCollection with: visibleClasses into: hierarchy
withIndent: indentString

	rootCollection do: [:each |
		| subclasses |
		subclasses := each subclasses asSortedCollection: [:a :b |
			a name <= b name].
		(visibleClasses includes: each)
			ifTrue: [
				hierarchy add: indentString, each name.
					putHierarchyFrom: subclasses
					with: visibleClasses
					into: hierarchy
					withIndent: indentString, '  ']
			ifFalse: [
					putHierarchyFrom: subclasses
					with: visibleClasses
					into: hierarchy
					withIndent: indentString]].

   Jon Hylands      Jon at huv.com      http://www.huv.com/jon

  Project: Micro Seeker (Micro Autonomous Underwater Vehicle)

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