Where are system globals (Smalltalk and SystemOrganization)

Boris Gaertner Boris.Gaertner at gmx.net
Wed Dec 8 21:51:32 UTC 2004

From: "Aaron Gray" <angray at beeb.net>

> Are Smalltalk and SystemOrganization "global variables".
Yes, they are.
>  If so where are the 
> system globals and how do I list them, within a browser and say to the 
> Transaction window from the workspace ?

All the globals are in Smalltalk, which is an instance of 

Evaluate the following statements with print to obtain 
a feeling for this:

Smalltalk class
Smalltalk includesKey: #Smalltalk
Smalltalk includesKey: #SystemOrganization

Smalltalk is also the Dictionary that contains all classes.
That is OK, classes are globally defined entities, too.

Now, what you are really after is that:

Smalltalk reject: [:item | item class isMeta ]

Evaluate it with 'inspect' 
This opens an inspector that shows you all globals that
are not classes.  (see footnote ** below)

Here is exactly what you want:
(Smalltalk reject: [:item | item class isMeta ])
  associationsDo: [:assoc  | Transcript show: assoc key printString; cr].

This prints the names of the non-class globals into the transcript window.
Note that   (Smalltalk reject: [:item | item class isMeta ])
answers selected associations from Smalltalk.
 associationsDo: [:assoc  | Transcript show: assoc key printString; cr].

we print only the keys of the assocs, the values of some globals
have huge printed representations; it is therefore not a good idea
to write them into the transcript.

**)  The  'class isMeta' looks like magic, but it is not.
isMeta is defined in the instance protocol of classes
Behavior and MetaClass. The class of a class is an instance of MetaClass,
when sent the message  isMeta, it answers true.  Classes answer


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