[Q] A new attempt to create a Squeak Test Server + Image Fingerprints

stéphane ducasse ducasse at iam.unibe.ch
Mon Dec 13 12:43:06 UTC 2004

excellent news
start small just running SUnit tests
and then grow to example...

On 13 déc. 04, at 10:38, Markus Gaelli wrote:

> Hi folks,
> I plan to resurrect the Test Server ("Test Server Image Tester" on 
> SqueakMap), so it would make sense to have lots of regression tests.
> The test server basically creates a new image, and loads some packages 
> from SqueakMap into this image (could be several base images, not yet 
> programmed though), then runs the tests in the new image, where the 
> results are collected and put in some mail (later on some web site), 
> and the image is destroyed.
> One way to get more smoke tests besides our already existing SUnit 
> tests, might be to
> - use all example* methods, and run them, and then get rid of the 
> morphs afterwards.
> - identify more parameterless methods on some class sides, and run 
> them.
> - exploit "initializedInstance" from Ted and run all instance side 
> parameterless methods on these "initialized instances".
> In a first attempt, one could at least identify changed behaviors (did 
> run before, does not run now, and vice versa) between different image 
> versions / builds.
> Not to have to build a new image for each executed method would mean 
> to ensure, that "after the test is before the test", meaning that 
> after some (maybe hardcore) way to destroy any possibly opened morphs, 
> the state of the image after the execution of the method should be the 
> same as before.
> So two questions:
> - Does this approach sound reasonable?
> - Is there an easy way to get the fingerprint of some Image (possibly 
> excluding any time information)? ImageSegments and Image saving 
> techniques comes to my mind here. But I am not sure if this could be 
> feasible or if I am too naive here. So I would be very happy for some 
> concrete advices on that.
> Cheers,
> Markus Gälli				   Software Composition Group
> markus.gaelli at iam.unibe.ch	University of Bern, Switzerland
> "One key idea is to keep the system running while testing and
> especially while making changes." Alan Kay

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