About a new roadmap for 3.9

Markus Gaelli gaelli at emergent.de
Tue Dec 14 16:18:51 UTC 2004

On Dec 14, 2004, at 2:47 PM, stéphane ducasse wrote:
> - OB (p?) + browseUnit new version (integrated version). The idea of 
> having OB here is that we want to enable
> 	the creation of new tools and deprecate slowly the use of the old 
> browser (which could be packaged but keep
> 	alive in case we only want to have one single but gigantic class).

I know that Romain is working on that. And we are collaborating to come 
up with an (optional) fifth pane for creating and displaying tests.

> We also like the idea of TestServer, so feel free to write tests! May 
> be markus G could be the guy responsible to
> push them into the stream. Markus? Romain?

Count me in. I will do it.

Markus G

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