Bryce Kampjes bryce at kampjes.demon.co.uk
Fri Dec 17 22:35:02 UTC 2004

stéphane ducasse writes:
 > Have you tried to set up a collect?
 > How much money do you think would help to boost it?

No, I haven't set up a collection. I'm really thinking about what to
do when my current job ends in the end of September. So we're
talking a full time income in London.

I still need to figure out what I want to do next but that depends
a lot on what options are available.

With a year or two full time it should be easy to more than double
Exupery's current bytecode performance and provide very good send
performance.  That's enough to be interesting and possibly close
enough to be fundable.

So for now it's time to think. And fix up the final few problems
with the new intermediate language.


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