What is Squeak?

SmallSqueak smallsqueak at rogers.com
Mon Dec 20 03:53:15 UTC 2004

Lex wrote:


> The Back to the Future article gives the main definition of what Squeak
> started as.  I don't see any particular reason to back off from it
> today.  

    Maybe Alan and Dan saw it when Dan spent his late night oil 
    on the Weather Station and Alan started Croquet instead of 
    finishing off what SqC left half baked when they let go of Disney.
> I think we should make Squeak recognizable to people who have heard of
> it via public means like Alan's talks and the nublue book.

    If Alan and Dan don't care then who cares ?

    Do the authors of the Squeak books care ?
    Did they do anything to bring the contents of these books up to date ?

    BTW, does any one know how many of these books were sold ?

    Maybe someone should start nagging the authors of these Squeak 
    books to share their wealth derived from Squeak ;-)



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