Connectors 2.0 Question

Hernan Tylim htylim at
Tue Dec 21 12:09:19 UTC 2004

Michael Latta wrote:

> After loading Connectors 2.0 all my flaps went away except those for 
> Connectors.  They seem to have replaced the shared flaps.  How do I 
> get the normal ones back?  I can not even create a browser without the 
> flap as the standard menus do not create browsers, only the "cool" 
> stuff like package loaders and web browsers, and stuff.
> Michael

Hi Michael,

To recover the flaps try this. Get the World menu (left click on an 
empty space of the desktop), select Flaps, then select destroy shared 
flaps, to the question answer YES. Repeat the process but this time 
select Install shared flaps.

BTW, I don't know if all items in the Flap are on the Open menu (World 
menu -> Open option) but the browsers are absolutely there. They are the 
first options.

This should be your open menu, in your squeak you might find extra 
options, but not less.

browser (b)
package-pane browser
workspace (k)
file list
transcript (t)
method finder
message names (W)
simple change sorter
dual change sorter
package list
squeakmap package loader
SUnit Test Runner
mvc project
morphic project.


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