[3.8gamma-6527] I can not load the 'Browser reduction' package in 3.8gamma-6527

Chris Muller afunkyobject at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 21 20:27:33 UTC 2004

> I would like to load the 'Browser reduction' package from SM 
> into3.8gamma-6527 gamma.
> It does not load.

Ok, I see why.  I implemented browser re-topping for the Tracing Messages
Browser too but put the method in the wrong package (Browser Reduction instead
of Tracing Messages Browser) so, for now, you just have to load Tracing
Messages Browser first.  I'll fix this sometime.  For now:

- Load Monticello
- Load Tracing Messages Browser
- THEN load Browser Reduction

To see how it works, open a Hierarchy browser on any class.  Then switch to
another window and type that class name and hit Command+B..  Or, find that same
class in a Package Pane Browser and select "Browse Hierarchy".  In either case,
the existing hierarchy browser is brought to the top instead of opening a new
hierarchy browser.  (Assuming you have appropriate alternativeBrowseIt
preference settings).

To see all browsers-types it supports, browse implementors of
maRepresentsSameBrowseeAs:.  This is the single method to implement to support
future kinds of browsers.

Suggestions or improvements are welcome, thanks.

 - Chris

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