[swiki-bugs] Re: Connectors: What Are They?

Jochen F. Rick nadja at cc.gatech.edu
Thu Dec 30 00:52:30 UTC 2004

You can do this in ComSwiki sort of. Just insert what you are looking for 
in the page in CamelCase after the swiki URL. So,



ComSwiki is still being worked on.

Peace and Luck!


On Wed, Dec 29, 2004 at 04:28:14PM -0800, Doug Way wrote:
> On Wed, 29 Dec 2004 16:13:27 -0800, "Blake" <blake at kingdomrpg.com> said:
> > I've been fascinated by--and trying to follow--the discussions on  
> > connectors over the past month and have just one question:
> > 
> > What are they?
> > 
> > I mean, can anyone give me a "high concept" definition that explains what 
> > they're designed to do? What problems they're meant to solve? I have them 
> > on my system, but I can't figure out how/where to use them.
> As with any Squeak-related question of this sort ("What is xxx?") be
> sure to check the Swiki to see if there's a page devoted to it.  (There
> usually is.)
> Go to http://minnow.cc.gatech.edu/squeak and Search for "Connectors",
> and you'll find:
> http://minnow.cc.gatech.edu/squeak/1773
> Actually, it would be really nice if the Swiki let you do a search for
> page titles only, that would be a lot faster for this case.  I often
> want to do this.  Consider this a ComSwiki request!  (Although I don't
> know if ComSwiki is still being worked on, and maybe SmallWiki already
> does this.)
> - Doug

Jochen "Je77" Rick, PhD Candidate, Georgia Tech College of Computing
jochen.rick at cc.gatech.edu, http://www.je77.com/, work: 404-385-1105

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