Adding tests package to the image [GO VOTE!]

goran.krampe at goran.krampe at
Tue Feb 3 19:52:55 UTC 2004

Hi all!

Doug made some good points regarding the benefit of having Test code
(for code currently in the image) entering the updates stream. But
confusing enough Julian has made some good points against it.

So right now I actually don't know how to vote - even though I am
inclined in such situations to "trust" the most affected persons - of
which Doug and Marcus are.

BUT... I am curious about how we *should* handle tests in future SM
Utopia. :)

As some of you know I am closing in on the Big Price in SM -
dependencies. A related mechanism is the ability to associate SMObjects
with each other and to also be able to categorize that association.

So... the tests for a package could be published as a separate package
on SM and then a specific release of that test-package is associated
with the package release it is for. The association itself should be
categorizable - thus we can explicitly say that this other package is
"Tests for this package".

We could also categorize the test-package itself and thus know it is a
test package.

Does it sound like a good solution? It feels like it should "take care
of business".

regards, Göran

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