Using Monticello and SqueakSource and distributing packages

Ned Konz ned at
Tue Feb 17 05:10:48 UTC 2004

On Monday 16 February 2004 5:37 pm, Timothy Rowledge wrote:
> Now the next question has to be what format should I be using to
> distribute the VMMaker package? And of course, how do I make it? I've
> been using a .sar because it allows a preamble/postscript to add
> temporary methods and cleanup after install.  It appears I can't simply
> install a .mcz file in the latest 5707 image, so I'm guessing that
> isn't the answer. How do I build a .sar from my installed package these
> days? Or do we expect everyone to install MC and hook up to the remote
> repository and so on?

You can install a .mcz file with the latest version of the SARInstaller 
(available on SqueakMap).

As far as building a SAR, it's not too hard if you have files:

zip _ ZipArchive new.
(zip addFile: 'package-cache/BFAV-nk.122.mcz' as: 'BFAV.mcz') 
desiredCompressionLevel: 0.
zip addString: 'self fileInMonticelloZipVersionNamed: ''BFAV.mcz''.' as: 
zip writeToFileNamed: 'myNewSar.sar'

or you can just write a MCZ into the Zip directly:

zip _ ZipArchive new.
mczStream _ RWBinaryOrTextStream on: (String new: 10000).
workingCopy _ MCWorkingCopy forPackage: (MCPackage new name: 'BFAV').
version _ workingCopy newVersion.
version fileOutOn: mczStream.
(zip addString: mczStream contents as: 'BFAV.mcz') desiredCompressionLevel: 0.
zip addString: 'self fileInMonticelloZipVersionNamed: ''BFAV.mcz''.' as: 
zip writeToFileNamed: 'myNewSar2.sar'

Ned Konz

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