Using Monticello and SqueakSource and distributing packages

Timothy Rowledge tim at
Tue Feb 17 22:14:10 UTC 2004

On Feb 17, 2004, at 1:08 PM, Avi Bryant wrote:

> It's not a full history of development - it's a snapshot of the code 
> at a single point in time, with a UUID identifying that snapshot, and 
> a record of the UUIDs of all the previous snapshots it's descended 
> from.  So it's a great thing to distribute, IMO.
Ah, so. I've learnt something useful and we're making a start at 
documentation. Previously I had the impression that the files were 
accretive repositories and had the whole lot in there.

The #touch method problem is a part of having a way to identify when an 
InterpreterPlugin class has been changed so it can be compared to the 
datestamp of the corresponding file and  VMMaker can avoid regenerating 
the file needlessly. It's all Andreas' fault; he was worried in the 
early days of VMMaker that it would waste too much time.

A micro-package with Object>touch that is a prerequisite for the main 
one would presumably be one way to handle this. Or indeed putting the 
#noteCompilation.. in a package that gets loaded after the main one. 
Or.... you mention that the mcz includes a fileout - so can a normal 
changeset preamble/postscript be used?


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