[BFAV] Unexpected dragging behaviour

Frank Shearar frank.shearar at rnid.org.uk
Wed Feb 18 11:09:28 UTC 2004

I'm not sure if this is a bug or simply me not expecting certain behaviours.

I have several projects open in my image. I open up the comment notepad, and
the big blue bar at the top lies over these projects. (I don't know the
correct terminology - they're not collapsed, but they're small and you can
of course click in them to enter them.) So far so good. If I click the blue
bar I can drag the notepad around. If I happen to click again while the
mouse is over one of these projects, I get a bright yellow window that says
"GOT IT!" and my image freezes up. Alt-. unfreezes the image, of course.

So what's going on? Does the (what? unopened?) project think I'm trying to
give it the notepad?

I notice that if I drag the notepad and the mouse goes over the trashcan the
trashcan thinks I want to throw the notepad away.

I presume this comes from the fact that the notepad is not a SystemWindow or
such? And does this too explain the weird (to me) behaviour I reported as a
[BUG] a bit earlier today?


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