Apple fonts in 3.7?

Duane Maxwell dmaxwell at
Fri Feb 20 02:43:25 UTC 2004

Nothing in the agreement with Doug Easterbrook prohibits any tweaking 
of the fonts - in fact, they were reordered from Latin-1 to MacRoman 
and certain characters were replaced.  Actually, the more they're 
different, the more he'd prefer it, since his main concern was that 
they not be distributed in competition with his.

Some of the spacing problems come from their Mac legacy - they were 
designed, over a long runs of characters, to more or less match the 
positions they would have when printed out at high quality, at the 
expense of legibility on the screen.  This is a problem at low point 
sizes, but the use of 10-point of a serif font is pretty rare - the 
only fonts used regularly on the Mac at such small sizes were Monaco 
and Geneva.

It's also possible that some of these spacing problems crept in when 
the conversion occurred- unfortunately I no longer have the code that 
did it.

I suggest that someone go through and tweak them to everyone's 
satisfaction.  I already did that pass years ago to add the many, many 
missing characters, but didn't spend any time on positioning except to 
make sure the monospaced fonts were, in fact, monospaced.  I'm afraid 
my eyesight and sanity can't handle it a second time.

I think it's only a modest effort to get these fonts up to snuff 
instead of abandoning them because of a few character flaws.  Don't we 
all have those?

-- Duane

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