Suggestion for the label of buttons in the debugger

ducasse ducasse at
Fri Feb 20 21:42:33 UTC 2004

Hi all

May be I'm the only one to have this problem but for me
send and step is not descriptive as label in the debugger.

I always have to get the help and see step = Over and send  = step into
Remark how the label is funny it is not even in synch with the balloon 
text Send = step into

Could not we rename these labels Over and Into?
I'm always thinking about all the newbies coming in Squeak.

Recently the debugger of VW really improved in particular they used the 
fact that the semantics
of the actions goes gradually from the stepiest action you can do until 
"proceed" by putting icons ordered by actions
from left to right, and it works really well.


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