[BUG] Code correction in PluggableTextMorph misaligned

John Pfersich jp1660 at att.net
Sun Feb 29 07:04:19 UTC 2004

I might add that that, for me at least, it's the first item in the 
Workspace that's affected, not the item before the error.

>In a new Workspace or Transcript (any PTM may be sufficient) type in 2
>lines of code separated by a blank line.  Leave an error in the second
>line.  Print-it or Do-it on the second line (just the second line),
>accept the correction, note where the correct is made.
>Smalltalk garbageCollect
>BlobMorph allInstance
>Corrected to: (note the print-it works)
>Smalltalk allInstancesect
>BlobMorph allInstance #()
>P.S. Tested with a clean 3.7a-5707
> .S. Tested with a clean 3.7a-5707

Source code in files. How quaint. -- Kent Beck

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