[BUG][FIX] WeakKeyDictionary>>keysAndValuesDo: ([er][et] could probably go in 3.8alpha?)

Andrew P. Black black at cse.ogi.edu
Thu Jul 15 16:25:19 UTC 2004

>On Tuesday, July 13, 2004, at 03:35 PM, Chris Muller wrote:
>>There was a lot of intense discussion following my original post
>>that included the fix and SUnit test.  Since 3.7gamma is approaching fast, I
>>thought it would be appropriate to try to rejuvenate a review of this simple
>>bug fix.

I was concerned that this fix might conflict with the major 
refactoring of Associations (including KeyKeyAssociations, to remove 
a level of indirection) that I submitted earlier this week.

I ran the following (slightly modified, as suggested by Doug) test in 
a 3.7beta image both with and without my Association refactoring.

	| d foundNil |
	foundNil _ false.
	d _ WeakIdentityKeyDictionary new
		at: 'hello' copy put: 'world';
	Smalltalk garbageCollectMost.
	d keysAndValuesDo: [ : k : v | k ifNil: [ foundNil ] ].
	self deny: foundNil

The test PASSED in BOTH cases.  This is because the critical line should read:

	d keysAndValuesDo: [ : k : v | k ifNil: [ foundNil _ true ] ].


With this fix,the test indeed fails before the patch is installed, 
and passes afterwards.


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