[ENH] String and Character conversion methods

Cancerbero sgurin at montevideo.com.uy
Thu Jul 29 04:49:27 UTC 2004

Hi. I don't know how formally make this kind of suggestions so excuse
me if I'm doing it wrong. 

My situation is this: The user's input is a String representing a
floating point number, so I want something that converts a String
representing a floating point number to a Float. Example: Something like
String>>asFloat so '3.14' asFloat returns the Float 3.14. 

So my suggesiont is to add a method String>>asFloat. For example: 


"returns the float number represented by this String. For example
'0.01' asFloat will return the Float 0.1e-1. The strings MUST be
representing float numbers in the format 9.12345 and not in the
format 0.1e-4. TO DO: the conversion when the represented float is in
the format: 0.1e-4. " 

|x exp point|

	(self size) to: 1 by: -1 do: [: i|
		((self at: i)=$.)
			ifTrue: [point:=true]
			ifFalse: [
					ifTrue: [exp:=self size - i - 1]
					ifFalse: [exp:=self size - i].
				x:=x+(((self at: i)asDigit)*(10 raisedTo: exp)).
	(self size) to: 1 by: -1 do: [: i|
		((self at: i)=$.) ifTrue: [x:=x * (10 raisedTo: (i-(self size)))]

where Character>>asDigit is something like: 


"Example : $4 asDigit will return the SmallInteger 4"

^(self asInteger)-($0 asInteger)

Sebastián Gurin (Cancerbero)

Un poco de sabiduría sí es posible; mas en todas las cosas he 
hallado esta feliz certidumbre: prefieren bailar sobre los 
pies del azar.

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