Inconsistencies in WeakSet implementation

Stéphane Rollandin lecteur at
Mon Jun 21 18:28:50 UTC 2004

Ned Konz wrote:

> Check to make sure that you haven't killed off the WeakArray finalization 
> process.

I guess I killed it long ago...  my current image went through hundreds 
of Alt-.

> Open a Process Browser from the World/debug menu, and make sure you see it.

indeed it wasn't there

> If not, try
> 	WeakArray initialize

the doIt failed:

21 June 2004 8:20:38 pm

VM: Win32 - a SmalltalkImage
Image: Squeak3.7beta [latest update: #5963]

UndefinedObject(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #bottomContext
	Receiver: nil
	Arguments and temporary variables:
		aMessage: 	bottomContext
	Receiver's instance variables:

	Receiver: a Process in nil
	Arguments and temporary variables:
		ctxt: 	nil
		unwindBlock: 	nil
	Receiver's instance variables:
		nextLink: 	nil
		suspendedContext: 	nil
		priority: 	50
		myList: 	nil
		errorHandler: 	nil
		name: 	nil

WeakArray class>>initialize
	Receiver: WeakArray
	Arguments and temporary variables:

	Receiver's instance variables:
		superclass: 	Array
		methodDict: 	a MethodDictionary()
		format: 	514
		instanceVariables: 	nil
		organization: 	('as yet unclassified')

		subclasses: 	nil
		name: 	#WeakArray
		classPool: 	a Dictionary(#FinalizationDependents->#(a 
WeakRegistry(<this WeakReg...etc...
		sharedPools: 	nil
		environment: 	nil
		category: 	nil

	Receiver: nil
	Arguments and temporary variables:

	Receiver's instance variables:

--- The full stack ---
UndefinedObject(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #bottomContext
WeakArray class>>initialize

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