Morphic problem

Vincent vinfoley at
Thu Mar 11 06:09:00 UTC 2004

Hi, I am writing one of my first Morphic application, and I am
experiencing a problem: I try to add a StringMorph to my application,
and when I right-click (on Unix) in the area where it should be, I get
it, but I can't see its contents.  Here's the relevant code to the
creation of both StringMorphs:


"Add the choice of the number of passwords"
self addMorph:
  (StringMorph contents: 'Number of passwords') frame: (0 at 0.05 corner: 0.8 at 0.1).
numPassText := PluggableTextMorph on: self text: #initialNumber accept: nil.
numPassText hideScrollBarIndefinitely.
self addMorph: numPassText frame: (0.8 at 0.05 corner: 1 at 0.1).

"Add the choice of the length of passwords"
self addMorph:
  (StringMorph contents: 'Length of passwods') frame: (0 at 0.15 corner: 0.8 at 0.2).
lenPassText := PluggableTextMorph on: self text: #initialLength accept: nil.
lenPassText hideScrollBarIndefinitely.
self addMorph: lenPassText frame: (0.8 at 0.15 corner: 1 at 0.20).


self is a subclass of SystemWindow by the way.  Thank you for any help.




Vincent Foley-Bourgon
Email: vinfoley at

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