changing key mappings

Steven Swerling sswerling at
Thu Mar 11 16:24:14 UTC 2004

> to prevent them.  As for the s-t vs T...this is a platform dependent 
> issue which I am very interested in straightening out (some platforms 
> don't list shift as a qualifier they just give the capital keycode, 
> others include the shift qualifier and give a lowercase keycode).  What 
> platform are you using?

Hi David,

How's about we turn all shift-modified alphabetical chars to capital 
letters for the #match method? So that 's-t' -> 'T',  'ms-t' -> 'm-T', 
and 'cs-t' goes to 'c-T'. Although it won't solve *all* of the 
platform-specific issues, at least we will get alphabetical chars in the 
bag. I know we've discussed this issue a bit already, but this case in 
particular seems like low hanging fruit for the picking.

Steve S.

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