[BUG] In an MVC project, Squeak may freeze when you change the active view

Romain Robbes rrobbes at info.unicaen.fr
Tue Mar 16 15:27:20 UTC 2004

Hi Ned,

> Two things that I've found:
> * there can be stepping morphs that aren't in the world. Andreas has 
> pointed
> out that the problem is that they're accessing the Sensor directly.
> But for testing you can try opening a Transcript and saying in a 
> Workspace:
> 	Utilities cleanseOtherworldlySteppers

Thanks, It works fine now .

It said there were two morphic steppers removed from
the list. By the way, how can this happen ?


> See if there's anything in the Transcript.
> And also make sure that there aren't two Morphic processes (I've seen 
> this
> more than once); you'll usually see redraw problems with this one.
> You can use the ProcessBrowser to examine the list.
> Or in a Workspace you can make sure that
> Project uiProcess == Processor activeProcess
> or you can get a collection of possible Morphic processes:
> uis _ nil.
> [uis _ Process allInstances select: [ :p | | c |
> 	c _ p suspendedContext.
> 	c notNil and: [ c longStack includesSubString: 'WorldState' ]]] 
> forkAt: 70.
> uis size > 1 ifTrue: [ uis inspect ].
> -- 
> Ned Konz
> http://bike-nomad.com/squeak/

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