[BUG][FIX]KeymapManager conflicts with Debugger-stubmethodcreation

Romain Robbes rrobbes at info.unicaen.fr
Wed Mar 17 08:53:28 UTC 2004

The hook in
TextMorph>>#keystroke:  to search for keys in the keymapper  looks like 

keyStroke: evt
	"Handle a keystroke event."
	| action |
	"hook for keymapper"
	[(self keyMapper match: evt) ifTrue:[^self].]
		on: Error
		do: [ :ex |  ex signal ].
	"rest of method ... "

This relaunches the exception, but the debuggers' logic for creating 
the additional
button on MNU is wrong.

So replacing it with :

keyStroke: evt
	"Handle a keystroke event."
	| action |
	"hook for keymapper"
	(self keyMapper match: evt) ifTrue:[^self].

i.e. not catching the exception is a workaround

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