Wonderland Tutorial

Bert Weber Bert.Weber at gmx.net
Sun Mar 28 08:16:53 UTC 2004


I'm quite new to Squeak and I was doing some tutorial first. But I run into
a problem with the fishbowl tuorial.
After drawing the pooh object I got an error message:

Array(Object) "DoesNorUnderstand: #build3DObject

Below the source code, the error occures in the last line. I'm using Squeak
3.6 on Windows XP.
Who can help?

 | actor pointList box scale center subdivision mesh tex |
 pointList _ self outline.
 pointList reset.
 pointList _ pointList contents.
 pointList size < 2 ifTrue:[
  self clearStroke.
  ^errorSound play].

 pointList _ self simplify: pointList.
 pointList _ self smoothen: pointList length: 10.
 pointList _ self regularize: pointList.
 box _ Rectangle encompassing: pointList.
 scale _ bounds extent y * 0.5.
 scale _ 1.0 / (scale @ scale negated).
 center _ box origin + box corner * 0.5.
 pointList _ pointList collect:[:each|  each - center * scale].
 subdivision _ PoohSubdivision constraintOutline: pointList.
 mesh _ subdivision build3DObject.
"<----- Array(Object) "DoesNorUnderstand: #build3DObject  ?????????"



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