monticello question

Avi Bryant avi at
Wed May 12 23:32:23 UTC 2004

On May 12, 2004, at 5:50 AM, Jon Hylands wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I've started using Monticello for version management of my autonomous
> controller code for my AUV.
> I want to be able to load a Monticello .mcz file into a minimal MVC 
> image,
> and later into a Squat image.
> Is there a minimal- or no-user interface loader for Monticello 
> packages?

Sure, you can do it all programmatically.  The simplest interface is 

MCMczReader loadVersionFile: '/path/to/foo.mcz'

You'll also notice that it registers services with the FileList, which 
I assume will show up in MVC.


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