newbie's question

Wolfgang Eder edw at
Thu May 13 09:30:57 UTC 2004

> Hi,
> I wrote a method as follows.
> initialize: xAxis values: yAxis
> "construct a polygonal membership function"
> (xAxis size = yAxis size)
> ifFalse: [^self error:'The two vectors must in the same size.']
> ifTrue: [x_xAxis.
> y_yAxis.].
> When I execute this method by the commands, It tell me "MfLinear 
> class(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #initialize:values:"
> v1_#(1 3 5 5 9)
> v2_#(0 1 1 0 1)
> mm_MfLinear

Jenny, the above line should read:
mm _ MfLinear new.

So you create a new instance of MfLinear.
HTH, Wolfgang

> mm initialize: v1 values: v2
> Does anyone know what is wrong with my code? Thanks.
> Jenny

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