[ANN] Chuck type inferencer

stéphane ducasse ducasse at iam.unibe.ch
Thu May 27 08:06:29 UTC 2004

Hi lex

Thanks for your work.
  You got an ecoop paper this is great, Are you coming?


On 26 mai 04, at 19:55, Lex Spoon wrote:

> The Chuck type inferencer is now available on SqueakMap.  This is a 
> tool
> I've been working on for a few years that can answer questions about 
> the
> types of variables and expressions by searching through your program
> code.  For example, you can ask for the type of a variable x, and it
> will go find every expression that writes into x (e.g., x := y), and
> find the types of the right-hand-sides, and so on recursively.  It's
> similar to what people do by hand anyway to find types, but Chuck
> automates it.
> Additionally, this kind of tool should be useful as a building block 
> for
> other tools.  First, Chuck should be a useful as part of the backend 
> for
> for programming tools such as compilers and dead code removers.
> Second, the "AutoChuck" part of it maintains a handy model of all the
> system's source code along with various lookup tables like "who writes
> into this variable"; this part alone should be useful to people who 
> want
> to do any sort of investigations about the source code of the system.
> If you want to play with the inferencer, you need to grab Squeak 3.7 (I
> am at update 5707), install the Refactoring Browser, and then install
> the Chuck package from SqueakMap.  From there, you can run and read 
> some
> test cases.  For serious day to day use, you then need to turn on
> AutoChuck, which is a preference in the "browsing" area of the
> preferences browser.  This will spend 10-60 minutes filling up your
> image with 75 megabytes or so of lookup tables; after that, it should 
> be
> invisible to your normal activities, and the refactoring browser will
> have two new menu items available:
> 	1. "infer type", in code panes.  Select any expression and you can run
> this, and it will dig up a type for you.
> 	2. "specific senders of", in message-list panes.  It acts like
> senders-of but uses type inference on the message-senders in order to
> reject some of the message senders as impossible.
> More serious users may want to tweak the "preferences" class methods of
> ChuckInferencer; you can tweak how many goals the inferencer will use
> and how much wall-clock time it will spend before bailing out.  (I
> intend to extend the ChuckConfigurator dialog to let users set these
> things in a GUI, but that hasn't happened yet.)
> The project home page is:
> 	http://www.cc.gatech.edu/~lex/chuck/
> This page includes a good description of the algorithm, although more
> description -- about 100-150 pages more -- is on the way by next May.
> A quick word on what this type inferencer is giving you.  The types it
> infers are guaranteed bounds on what the variables or expressions will
> evaluate to at runtime.  They do not represent what the programmer
> intended to be possible for the variable, and they are not necessarily 
> a
> good summary of what the variable is.
> An example should help.  If you infer a type of PlayingCardDeck's
> stackingPolicy variable, Chuck will tell you that it will hold one of
> these things:  nil, #stagger, #straight, #altStraight, or #single.  The
> comment of the variable tells a slightly different story!  First, the
> comment gives #none as an option while the type inference does not; the
> reason is that nothing in the image uses #none, even though the code 
> can
> handle it.  Second, the comment does *not* mention #stagger as an
> option.  #stagger does indeed get assigned to the variable, so the code
> and the comment are out of sync here.  The first item is more
> interesting I think: for this tool to be effective, you want to have
> uses of the code loaded in addition to the code you are studying.
> Finally, some people may be curious about the general approach of this
> thing.  There is some documentation on the web site, and some more
> serious documentation being developed, but let me give a quick summary
> because Chuck is a little unusual.  Essentially, Chuck posts goals to
> itself and then tries to solve them.  In the course of solving a goal,
> it is allowed to post more goals.  Each goal is initially given a very
> optimistic tentative solution (e.g., this variable is never assiged any
> value), and then the algorithm repeatedly updates the tentative
> solutions, making them less precise, until it has found an entire set 
> of
> solutions that are consistent with each other.    At that point the
> tentative solutions can be treated as full solutions.
> This is different from other algorithms I know of, which do one of two
> things: they simulate the program in the abstract, using types instead
> of values, or, they generate a huge pile of constraints ("type of x is
> greater than type of y"...), and solve them all.  What Chuck's approach
> allows it to do, however, is to *prune* its subproblems.  That is, 
> Chuck
> can at any time answer a goal with a trivial but poor answer; the
> subgoals of such a goal then become unnecessary and can be abandoned.
> If Chuck is trying to find the type of "node isNil", and it is unable 
> to
> infer the type of "node", it has the option of substituting "Anything"
> for the type of node and then proceding onwards (in this case, still
> finding the optimal solution of {True False}).  In short, Chuck's
> architecture lets its performance degrade gracefully as programs get
> large.  The existing algorithms seem to get into trouble with around
> 30-50 kloc programs, whereas Squeak has about 300 klocs.
> All right, have at it.  Comments welcome!
> -Lex

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