David T. Lewis lewis at
Thu Nov 4 01:47:10 UTC 2004

On Wed, Nov 03, 2004 at 01:48:07PM -0800, Ian Piumarta wrote:
> It's ages since I looked inside OSProcess, but if it lets you 
> send/receive Strings to/from stdio and you run the binary in the above 
> manner then you should be able to interact with the controlling 
> terminal trivially.

OSProcess gives you a StandardFileStream attached to the stdio streams.
Actually it's an AttachableFileStream, which is just a StandardFileStream
grafted onto an existing stdin/stdout/stderr handle.

Also, even though I don't have an OS X system to try it on, it's just
another Unix system underneath so you can probably do things like:

 FileStream oldFileNamed: '/dev/tty'

Which gives you a StandardFileStream on the stdin/stdout streams. Be
careful about closing these streams by the way, as they tend to stay
closed, and they refer to the same IO streams that OSProcess is using.


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