Squeak and Augmented Reality

Ryan Zerby tahognome at gmail.com
Wed Nov 10 20:28:06 UTC 2004

Yes.. Augmented Reality as I know the term is the combination of
Virtual Reality
and normal senses.. a way to agument the existing senses of humans.  Having a
GPS that overlays on your display glasses (or the windshield of your
car) so that
it displays against the real world.  

When I first heard the personal computing aspects of smalltalk, I
thought of an interface
that would assist with the day-to-day living of the user.  By being
easy to modify, Smalltalk is agile enough to cope with changing
environments and user preferences, in
a way that a C application could not.   It seems a natural interface
for purely graphical,
object based applications, which would be much more natural in
augmented reality
than text (also,  most consumer head mounted displays are 800x600 or
smaller so text isn't the best. Mine is only NTSC, and text is

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