Seaside + Seaside Testing

C. David Shaffer cdshaffer at
Thu Nov 11 16:17:10 UTC 2004

stéphane ducasse wrote:

> Hi
> can you explain what is seaside testing?
> How does it compare with httpUnit (I do not know remember the name of 
> the CS project).
> Stef

The key difference is that SeasideTesting runs on the Seaside server and 
gives you access to your Seaside components (not just their HTML 
representations).  So, in SeasideTesting not only can I test if a 
component is displaying what I expect, I can test that a component or 
domain object is in the state I expect.  The disadvantages of this 
technique are that only Seaside applications can be tested and the tests 
must run on the server (either through the normall SUnit TestRunner or 
through a WebTestRunner included with SeasideTesting).  Actually with a 
little refactoring one could write remote SeasideTesting test cases but, 
of course, they wouldn't have access to the component objects 
themselves, just the generated HTML.

While I haven't used it, my impression is that the CS SmallHttpUnitTest 
project runs remotely (ie it accesses the server through a TCP socket) 
and can test Seaside and non-Seaside applications.  They seem to have 
paid more attention to design than I did since they have a very clean 
API for accessing/querying/manipulating the HTML components.  
SeasideTesting can do all this but it just doesn't seem quite as clean 
as their work does on the surface at least.

SmallHttpUnitTest is obviously the way to go if you aren't using 
Seaside.  If you are using Seaside then the choice comes down to knowing 
what you plan to test.  I personally don't find tests which ask lots of 
questions about the contents of the display to be very robust.  First, 
presence of an HTML element and its appearance on the screen are two 
different things (how do you make sure the page "looks" right?).  
Second, small changes in your component layout usually force changes in 
your test cases.  I don't like this.  I prefer to press buttons, follow 
links etc and then make sure my domain objects (or even the Seaside 
components themselves) have "done the right thing".  Here's an example...

Using SmallHttpUnitTest one could test the Seaside counter like this 
(borrowed from the same code provided with the announcement of 

    | browser |
    browser := HttpBrowser on: 'http://localhost:8008/seaside/go/counter'.
    self assert: (browser h1 allSatisfy: [:each | each text = '0']).
    self assert: (browser a text includesAllOf: #('++' '--')).

    browser click: [:a | a text = '++'].
    self assert: (browser h1 text includesExactly: #('1')).

    browser click: '++'.
    self assert: (browser h1 text includesExactly: #('2')).

    browser click: '--'.
    self assert: (browser h1 text includesExactly: #('1')).

In SeasideTesting we'd something more like:

    self newApplicationWithRootClass: WACounter.
    self establishSession.
    self followAnchor: (self lastResponse anchorWithLabel: '++').
    self followAnchor: (self lastResponse anchorWithLabel: '++').
    self assert: self component count = 2.
    self back.
    self followAnchor: (self lastResponse anchorWithLabel: '++').
    self assert: self component count = 2

Notice that I'm testing that the domain (the "count") has the correct 
value, rather than testing the contents of the page.  Now, this isn't to 
say I can't write tests which look for strings in SeasideTesting but 
right now it isn't very clean.  I expect this to improve as 
SeasideTesting evolves.  At the moment I simply don't write that many 
test cases that test page contents.

I like the way one "clicks" on buttons and links in SmallHttpUnitTest.  
In general, iterating over a type of component in SmallHttpUnitTest is 
cleaner than in SeasideTesting but I hope to change that.

Hope this helps!


C. David Shaffer

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