Does anybody thought about having ...

stéphane ducasse ducasse at
Thu Nov 18 22:17:24 UTC 2004

> Slate has this. &foo: arguments specify optional named arguments for 
> methods and blocks, and *rest parameters allow you to grab any 
> "run-over" arguments to a block or method in an array.

I do not like the multidispatch of slate but this I like.

> We're still working on the Squeak-1.0 level of support,
I do not understand the squeak-1.0 level support?

> but the basics all work well. We even recently have incorporated some 
> of the Squeak-Traits research work to make our mixins safer.

can you elaborate a bit on that?
Why safer? more robust to changes? Do you take advantage of traits in 
your library?


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