becomeForward makes corrupted objects

Tim Rowledge tim at
Fri Nov 26 00:59:20 UTC 2004

This is getting very ugly. The fix to the vm to make the become prims
fail if atempting to do a become a cause the a becomeForward a to also
fails - and that stops the SM (re)loading problem reported elsewhere.

I'm a bit surprised that a becomeForward a works -  or that anyone
would try it even - but the IamgeSegment loading code seems to rely on
it. That makes this a quite important bug.

Just for fun, consider {a. a} become {b. b} and {a. a} becomeForward
{b. b}.

Some of the problems could be solved in methods but that would leave
older images in danger; though no worse of than now. Some could be fixed
in the vm.  All of them are pretty mind mangling to trace through to
work out what is going on...

Tim Rowledge, tim at,
Everybody needs a little love sometime; stop hacking and fall in love!

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