About lonnnnng tests

Markus Gaelli gaelli at emergent.de
Mon Oct 4 20:02:30 UTC 2004

Hi Romain,

>> And on the flip side, it might be nice to have a QuickTestCase too, 
>> that can be run all the time - like, every time you accept a 
>> method...
> Hey, neat idea ... I got to put that on my todo list for BrowseUnit ;-)
So do you plan to connect that QuickTestCase - I think I call it 
one-method test ;-) -
to the method under test?

A one-method test is dedicated to one method and, as it is _explicitly_ 
linked to that method, could be executed as soon as this method is 

The most lightweight solution to explicitly create this link (I can 
think of ), would be to denote _the method under test_ in the test 
using a comment just before the call of the method under test: (here 

AccountTest  >> testWithdrawOkFrom123
   |anAccount |
   anAccount:= AccountTest new testDeposit100On123.

   anAccount withdraw: 60.

   self assert: anAccount balance = 40.

This is one part of the story. Another is, that tests could be 
composed, so that if its tests are called by other tests, this other 
tests should be executed:

In the example above only "AccountTest >> testWithdrawOkFrom123" would 
be executed if I changed "Account >> deposit",
as it calls "AccountTest  >> testDeposit100On123", which _is_ focusing 
on "Account >> deposit".

So composed tests should be a QuickTestCase for all explicitly linked 

Or do you plan to denote the tests in the method itself?
I would prefer not, as you might run into problems with people who 
still :-) want to see their code independent of their tests, and who 
also want to rename a method without having to change the 
RefactoringBrowser, so that RB took denoting comments into account. 
(Above I can only use "test" and _not_ any name of a method to denote 

Actually I have some weeks to do a prototype for an Oopsla workshop 
with the nice name:
"Revival of Dynamic Languages" and I would like to use services and 
browse-unit. Would you mind if I did it? Or do you have other design 
issues / solutions in mind  I should know about?

My paper can be found on 

Thanks a lot for your very nice work on Services and BrowseUnit.



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