[SM] Preloading cache, less dependence on SM server

goran.krampe at bluefish.se goran.krampe at bluefish.se
Fri Oct 8 22:05:21 UTC 2004


Given the problems recently with the SM server being offline, I am
reposting a slightly revised version of a few snippets of code that
plays with the client side package cache in SM. First, in a 3.7-5989
image I had to hack HTTPSocket>>getResponseUpTo:ignoring: by changing
the "data was
late"-lines to:

		(self waitForDataUntil: (Socket deadlineSecs: 15)) ifFalse: [
			self error: 'Timeout'. "Transcript show: 'data was late'; cr"].

...and thus it actually times out when trying to download things. Note:
I am not sure about this issue, I don't think it is present in 3.8.

Then we can pre-fill the cache like this (open transcript first to see

"This snippet pre-downloads all the published releases for this system
SMSqueakMap default packages do: [:p |
	rel _ p lastPublishedReleaseForCurrentSystemVersion.
	rel ifNotNil: [
		rel isDownloadable ifTrue: [
			rel ensureInCache.
			Transcript show: 'Loaded ', rel packageNameWithVersion;cr ]]]

"This variant dowloads EVERY release ever made, which takes time and
I am on a modem so I haven't tested it."
SMSqueakMap default packages do: [:p |
	p releases do: [:rel  |
		rel ifNotNil: [
			rel isDownloadable ifTrue: [
				rel ensureInCache.
				Transcript show: 'Loaded ', rel packageNameWithVersion;cr ]]]]

And after that we can take a look using respectively:

"This snippet only checks the last published for current system
| rel |
SMSqueakMap default packages do: [:p |
	rel _ p lastPublishedReleaseForCurrentSystemVersion.
	rel ifNotNil: [
		rel isDownloadable
			ifFalse: [Transcript show: 'Not downloadable: ', rel printString;
			ifTrue: [rel isCached ifFalse: [Transcript show: 'Not cached: ', rel
printString;cr ]]]]

"This snippet checks EVERY release ever made."
SMSqueakMap default packages do: [:p |
	p releases isEmpty
		ifTrue: [Transcript show: 'Not released: ', p printString; cr.]
			p releases do: [:rel |
				rel isDownloadable
					ifFalse: [Transcript show: 'Not downloadable: ', rel printString;
					ifTrue: [rel isCached ifFalse: [Transcript show: 'Not cached: ',
printString;cr ]]]]]

Now, if you do the above then the only problem when the SM master server
is offline is that you will not be able to get a newer map - but since
noone can modify the map when the server is down - there is no new map
to get anyway. :)

regards, Göran

PS. The above was written in a slight hurry, code only tested a bit. For
any errors or helpful modifications - please, go ahead and post.

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