[ANN] ClosureCompiler2 on SM

Marcus Denker denker at iam.unibe.ch
Sat Oct 9 20:50:58 UTC 2004

Am 07.10.2004 um 16:32 schrieb Marcus Denker:

> Hi,
> I packaged Anthony's ClosureCompiler2 as a .sar. So this is now 
> auto-installable from SqueakMap.
> You need an up-to-date 3.8a unstable.

An update: The ClosureCompiler package now requires the Compiler 
package. As SM has no dependencies,
make sure to install it first.

"Compiler" has the monticello package with the new Compiler.

'ClosureCompiler' is a .sar with 4 changesets containing changes to the 
system for closures,
changes to hook in the new compiler and tests.

"Compiler" is managed via monticello on SqueakSource.


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