dynamic type inference

Craig Latta craig at netjam.org
Mon Oct 18 23:48:13 UTC 2004


	Stéphane Ducasse writes:

> ...we could do that too, have a big development image that record 
> everywhere we passed, all the methods that have been executed with 
> their type (this would be a concrete type engine :))

	Oh, hey, this could use the reporting engine that I wrote for doing

	(Imprinting is the transfer of behavior from one system to another as
it is run; see
http://netjam.org/pipermail/squat_netjam.org/2004-October/000061.html ,
or http://tinyurl.com/45aeh if you trust tinyurl.com :).


Craig Latta
improvisational musical informaticist
craig at netjam.org
[|] Proceed for Truth!

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