timing out a method call

Brian Murphy-Dye brian.murphydye at mac.com
Thu Oct 21 04:06:01 UTC 2004


I've added this method to BlockContext, and made a #TimedBlockError 
subclass of Error. I'm still learning, so it's not elegant, but maybe 
it will be helpful to you for now.


waitAtMost: aDuration
	[(Delay forSeconds: 10) wait. 5] waitAtMost: 1 seconds
	[5] waitAtMost: 1 seconds
	[3 / 0] waitAtMost: 5 seconds
	| answer error semaphore blockProcess waitProcess |
	answer := TimedBlockError new.
	semaphore := Semaphore new.
	[blockProcess := [[answer := self value.  semaphore signal]
		on: Exception do: [:e | error := e.  semaphore signal]] fork.
	waitProcess := [(Delay forDuration: aDuration) wait.  semaphore 
signal] fork]
		[semaphore wait.
		error ifNil: [blockProcess terminate].
		waitProcess ifNotNil: [waitProcess terminate]].
	^ error
		ifNil: [answer]
		ifNotNil: [error signal]

On Oct 20, 2004, at 7:05 PM, Chris Wright wrote:

> I wan't to be able to "give up" on a method call if it doesn't return 
> within some time interval ... is there some way of "waiting on on a 
> return value"?
> SocketStream has a timeout, but is there a more general method?
> like someCode value: v timeOut: t.
> ?
> thanks for the help
> Chris Wright
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