Gcc dependencies in VMMaker

Ned Konz ned at bike-nomad.com
Mon Oct 25 13:21:32 UTC 2004

On Sunday 24 October 2004 19:07, Tim Rowledge wrote:
> > and it was difficult to know what is happening
> >  because the instance created when opening
> >  is VMMaker tool was a Win32VMMaker...
> > (I don´t know if you will understand,... the implicit change
> >  of the VMMaker to an instance of a more abstract class
> >  without notification is not what I expected to happen).
> When you start the tool it makes an instance of a subclass of VMMaker
> matched to your platform. So, if you're running on Win32 you'll get a
> Win32VMMaker as the default. Similarly on unix you get a UnixVMMaker.

Tim, he's trying to cross-compile (host Win32, target WinCE), and the wince 
vmmaker is a subclass of the win32 one.

I don't think VMMaker is directly set up for cross-compilation...

Ned Konz

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