Tabbed text morphs

Chris Muller afunkyobject at
Wed Oct 27 02:26:02 UTC 2004

Hi Brian, I remember seeing some tabbing support built into Morphic.  I'm
working on a UI utility in Morphic and ended up wrapping a TextMorph with my
own "EntryFieldMorph" objects that end up controlling the TextMorph for me.  It
was easy-enough with Morphic to implement EntryFieldMorph>>#handleKeystroke:
and check the incoming KeyboardEvent's keyCharacter for Character tab, as in..

handleKeystroke: aKeyboardEvent
	| keyPressed |
	aKeyboardEvent wasHandled ifTrue: [ ^self ].
	keyPressed _ aKeyboardEvent keyCharacter.
	keyPressed = (self preferred: #keyForFocusShift) ifTrue: [ ^self shiftFocus:
aKeyboardEvent ].
	keyPressed = ...

I don't see any harm in case-logic for checking hot keys..

A one liner to shiftFocus:

	aKeyboardEvent hand newKeyboardFocus: self nextTabStopMorph

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